Look for the fire tent and the big red cans at Decatur’s events – and bring your canned goods or packaged foods to help fill them up. The firefighters are hosting a continuous food drive to help Decatur’s local food banks meet increased needs.
Food drives are frequently held during the holidays but hunger is a year-round crisis for many families, especially during the summer months when children are not in school to take advantage of the National School Lunch program that offers free or reduced-price meals to students.
Decatur is home to food banks run by Decatur Cooperative Ministry (DCM) and Decatur-area Emergency Assistance Ministry (DEAM) and both agencies are seeing an increasing number of families who need assistance with feeding their children.
Not going to the events? Don’t worry – the firefighters also put the cans out at the fire station and at other city buildings. You can drop off your donation any time!