Decatur Fire and Rescue officially welcomes aboard Firefighter Beth Sanford, who received the “most improved” award upon graduation. This arduous training is held at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center in Forsyth.
“GPSTC’s Basic Firefighter Training program consists of 345 course hours and takes eight weeks to complete. In addition to the curriculum topics listed below, time will be devoted to additional practical exercises, administrative activities and testing.
Basic Firefighter Topic Course Hours
Firefighter Orientation & History 4
Firefighter Safety & Health 12
Fire Behavior 6
Building Construction 4
Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment 12
Portable Fire Extinguishers 10
Ropes & Knots 11
Rescue & Extrication 14
Forcible Entry 13
Ground Ladders 17
Ventilation 14
Water Supply 11
Fire Hose 13
Fire Streams 13
Fire Control 13
Wild Land Fire Control 10
Fire Detection, Alarm and Suppression 4
Loss Control 8
Protecting Fire Scene Evidence 4
Fire Department Communication 3
Basic Pre-Hospital Care for Firefighters 6
Live Fire Techniques 24
Hazmat Awareness 40”